Titlul proiectului:
„Modalităţi de reducere a impactului schimbărilor climatice asupra recoltelor de grâu în sudul României”
Cuvinte cheie:
Schimbări climatice, grâu, ameliorare, tehnologie
Sursa de finanţare: Bugetul de Stat – Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cerctării,
Programul ”Partneriate în domenii prioritare”
Autoritatea contractantă:
Centrul National de Management Programe
Contractor: Institutul Naţional de Cercetare –Dezvoltare Agricolă - Fundulea
Tipul de proiect: PC
Valoarea contractului: 167000 lei
Durata contractului: 36 luni (oct. 2007 – sept. 2010)
Coordonatorul proiectului: Institutul National de Cercetare – Dezvoltare Agricola – Fundulea,
str. N. Titulescu. nr. 1, 915200, Fundulea , Tel. +40213154040, fax. +40242642044,
Director proiect: Dr. Ing. Nicolae N. SĂULESCU, e-mail:
ŞOS. BUCURESTI-PLOIEŞTI / 97, cod 013686, tel. 021 3163116, fax: 021-3163243, Responsabil ştiinţific: Dr. Elena MATEESCU, e-mail:
Partener 2: STAŢIUNEA DE CERCETARE ŞI DEZVOLTARE AGRICOLĂ ŞIMNIC, Şoseaua Bălceşti nr. 54, cod 200721, Tel. şi Fax: 0251417534, Responsabil ştiinţific: Dr. ing. Gabriela PĂUNESCU, e-mail:
Rezumatul proiectului
Schimbările climatice s-au făcut tot mai mult simţite în ultimele decenii şi se prevede că ele se vor accentua în perioada următoare.
Proiectul îşi propune să identifice soluţii pentru reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice previzibile asupra producţiei de grâu, în principalele zone de cultură din România. În acest scop, proiectul va aborda:
- Simularea, cu ajutorul unor modele matematice de formare a recoltelor, a comportării unor genotipuri cu diverse caracteristici genetice, în diferite scenarii de schimbări climatice. Aceasta va permite identificarea principalelor caracteristici ale ideotipului de grâu cu performanţe optime în aceste condiţii şi fundamentarea direcţiilor de ameliorare pentru reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice.
- Explorarea posibilităţilor de progres genetic pentru caracteristicile identificate ca importante pentru ideotipul cel mai bine adaptat schimbărilor climatice previzibile.
- Identificarea principalelor măsuri tehnologice care pot contribui la reducerea efectului schimbărilor climatice asupra producţiei de grâu.
Validarea măsurilor genetice şi tehnologice identificate, prin testarea efectului lor asupra producţiei de grâu, în parcele experimentale şi în condiţii de producţie.
Obiectivele generale şi specifice ale proiectului
Obiectivul general al proiectului este de a identifica soluţii genetice şi tehnologice pentru reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice previzibile asupra producţiei de grâu. În acest scop se au în vedere următoarele obiective specifice:
- Simularea, cu ajutorul unor modele matematice de formare a recoltelor, a comportării unor genotipuri cu diverse caracteristici genetice, în diferite scenarii de schimbări climatice, pentru a identifica principalele caracteristici ale ideotipului de grâu cu performanţe optime în aceste condiţii şi fundamenta direcţiile de ameliorare şi măsurile tehnologice pentru reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice.
- Explorarea posibilităţilor de progres genetic pentru caracteristicile identificate ca importante pentru ideotipul cel mai bine adaptat schimbărilor climatice previzibile.
- Identificarea principalelor măsuri tehnologice care pot contribui la reducerea efectului schimbărilor climatice asupra producţiei de grâu.
- Validarea măsurilor genetice şi tehnologice identificate, prin testarea efectului lor asupra producţiei de grâu, în parcele experimentale şi în condiţii de producţie.
Faza 1.
Pentru prima fază de desfăşurare a proiectului s-au stabilit următoarele obiective, corespunzătoare celor două activităţi planificate:
Aceste obiective crează premisele abordării în continuare a cercetărilor prevăzute pentru atingerea obiectivului general al contractului.
În cadrul activităţii 1, pentru formularea de scenarii ale schimbărilor climatice, în această etapă s-au abordat in principal urmatoarele aspecte:
In acest scop s-au elaborat hărţi privind zonalitatea parametrilor agrometeorologici cu importanţă majoră pentru evaluarea potenţialului resurselor termice şi hidrice la grâul de toamnă din sudul României, precum şi grafice ce exemplifică tendinţa factorilor de vegetaţie la nivelul perioadei 1961-2005.
Aceste date justifică faptul că, în zona de sud a României, potenţialul natural satisface în general, cerinţele culturii grâului de toamnă, cu diferenţieri de favorabilitate de la an la an, funcţie de caracteristicile de producere ale parametrilor agrometeorologici pe parcursul fazelor de creştere şi dezvoltare. Factorul climatic cu cele mai mari fluctuaţii în timp şi spatiu în sudul României sunt precipitaţiile, frecvenţa crescândă a perioadele secetoase reflectându-se evident în scăderea nivelului producţiilor de grâu, funcţie de intensitatea şi durata fenomenelor de risc termic şi hidric pe parcursul perioadei de vegetaţie.
Descrierea modelului de simulare „CERES-WHEAT”, precum şi prezentarea spaţială a ariei de interes şi a staţiilor agrometeorologice considerate reprezentative pentru cultura grâului de toamnă în sudul României reprezintă instrumentele de lucru pentru etapele viitoare în scopul identificării modalităţilor de reducere a impactului schimbărilor climatice asupra producţiilor de grâu de toamnă.
În cadrul activităţii 2, au fost pregătite şi semănate colecţii de genotipuri de grâu şi experienţe cu măsuri tehnologice, de potenţial interes pentru reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice. Acestea au inclus:
Etapa 2
Pentru faza a II-a de desfăşurare a proiectului s-au stabilit următoarele obiective, corespunzătoare celor două activităţi planificate:
II.1 Pregătirea bazelor de date necesare şi simularea răspunsului culturii grâului în diferite scenarii de schimbări climatice; Rezultate ale simulării răspunsului culturii grâului în diferite scenarii de schimbări climatice
II.2 Studiul colecţiilor de genotipuri şi al experienţelor cu măsuri tehnologice.
Observaţii şi determinări în câmp şi în climat dirijat, privind colecţiile de genotipuri şi efectul măsurilor tehnologice pentru obţinerea de date privind variabilitatea genetică şi tehnologică pentru caracteristici cu potenţial efect de reducere a impactului schimbărilor climatice. Obţinerea de noi materiale genetice
Aceste obiective crează premisele abordării în continuare a cercetărilor prevăzute pentru atingerea obiectivului general al contractului.
În cadrul activităţii 1, pentru realizarea obiectivelor fazei, în această etapă s-au abordat următoarele aspecte:
● Pregătirea datelor de intrare climatice, de cultură şi sol necesare pentru rularea modelului CERES-Wheat, respectiv crearea experimentelor sezonale privind managementul culturii de grâu;
● Rularea modelului pe 30 ani în condiţiile climatice actuale utilizând date obţinute din experimentele efectuate la staţiile agrometeorologice luate în studiu:
- date climatice medii lunare (temperatura minimă şi maximă, precipitaţiile şi radiaţia solară) din perioada de referinţă, 1961-1990;
- date de cultură (data medie de semănat, densitatea medie a culturii, fertilizări aplicate, etc.);
- date de sol (caracteristicile medii specifice fiecărui tip de sol);
● Rularea modelului pe 30 ani în condiţiile viitoarelor schimbări climatice, utilizând diferite scenarii climatice regionale, globale şi arbitrare (RegCM/IPCC/2080-2099/ SRES A1B, RegCM/ICTP/2070-2100/ SRES A2, HadCM3/decada 2020 si 2050/SRES A2);
● Rularea modelului în condiţiile viitoarelor schimbări climatice utilizând:
- diferite valori ale coeficienţilor genetici care caracterizează vernalizarea şi fotoperioada (P1V şi P1D) şi diferite genotipuri de grâu, pentru estimarea efectului caracteristicilor genetice asupra producţiei de boabe, duratei sezonului de creştere, a valorilor evapotranspiraţiei şi precipitaţiilor cumulate pe parcursul sezonului de vegetaţie, precum şi asupra eficienţei de utilizare a apei din sol;
- diferite date de semănat pentru estimarea efectului datei semănatului asupra producţiei de boabe, duratei sezonului de creştere, a valorilor evapotranspiraţiei şi precipitaţiilor cumulate pe parcursul sezonului de vegetaţie, precum şi asupra eficienţei de utilizare a apei din sol;
● Evaluarea şi cuantificarea impactului schimbărilor climatice asupra culturii grâului de toamnă (respectiv asupra producţiei de boabe, duratei sezonului de creştere, a valorilor evapotranspiraţiei şi precipitaţiilor cumulate pe parcursul sezonului de vegetaţie, precum şi asupra eficienţei de utilizare a apei din sol), prin compararea rezultatelor simulate în condiţiile scenariilor climatice utilizate cu cele simulate în condiţiile climatice actuale.
În cadrul activităţii 2, au fost studiate în câmp şi laborator colecţii de genotipuri de grâu şi experienţe cu măsuri tehnologice, de potenţial interes pentru reducerea impactului schimbărilor climatice. Acestea au inclus:
Principalele rezultate ale acestor studii sunt:
Rezultate ale cercetărilor efectuate în cadrul activităţii 1
Rezultate ale cercetărilor efectuate în cadrul activităţii 2
Project title:
„Ways to reduce the impact of climate changes on wheat production in South Romania”
Key words:
Climate changes, wheat, breeding, management
Financing source: State budget – Ministry of Education and Research,
Program: ”Partnership in priority domains”
Contracting autority:
Centrul National de Management Programe
Contractor: Institutul Naţional de Cercetare –Dezvoltare Agricolă - Fundulea
(National Agricultural Research & Development Institute – Fundulea)
Project type: PC
Contract value: 167000 lei
Contract duration: 36 months (oct. 2007 – sept. 2010)
Project coordinator: Institutul National de Cercetare – Dezvoltare Agricola – Fundulea,
str. N. Titulescu. nr. 1, 915200, Fundulea , Phone +40213154040, fax. +40242642044,
Project Director: Dr. Ing. Nicolae N. SĂULESCU, e-mail:
ŞOS. BUCURESTI-PLOIEŞTI / 97, cod 013686, phone 021 3163116, fax: 021-3163243, Scientific director of the project: Dr. Elena MATEESCU, e-mail:
Partner 2: STAŢIUNEA DE CERCETARE ŞI DEZVOLTARE AGRICOLĂ ŞIMNIC, Şoseaua Bălceşti nr. 54, cod 200721, Phone and Fax: 0251417534, Scientific Director of the project: Dr. ing. Gabriela PĂUNESCU, e-mail:
Project summary:
Climate changes became obvious during the last decades and the forecast is that they will become more important in the future.
The project will try to identify solutions for reducing the predictable climate change impacts on wheat production, in the main wheat producing region of Romania. For this purpose the project will include:
- Simulation of differential response to several scenarios of climate change, depending on genetic characteristics, using mathematical models of wheat yield formation. This will help to identify the main features of the wheat ideotypes for best performance under these conditions and to fundament breeding targets for reducing the impact of climate changes;
- Exploring possibilities for genetic progress for the main features, identified as important for the ideotype best adapted to predictable climate changes;
- Identification of the main crop management measures, which might contribute to reducing the effects of climate changes on wheat production;
Preliminary validation of the main identified genetic and crop management measures, by testing their effect on wheat yield in experimental plots and on-farm.
General and specific objectives of the project.
The general objective of the project is to identify genetic and crop management solutions for reducing the impact of predicted climate changes on wheat production. To reach this goal, the following specific objectives will be approached:
- Simulation of differential response of cultivars, having various genetic characteristics, to several scenarios of climate change, using mathematical models of plant growth and development. This approach will contribute to the identification of main features of the wheat ideotype most adapted to future conditions and to establish breeding strategies and crop management methods to reduce the impact of climate changes.
- Exploration of genetic progress possibilities for the main plant characteristics, identified through simulation as important for ideotype best adapted to climate changes.
- Identification of the main crop management elements, which can contribute to reducing the impact of climate changes.
- Validation of the established genetic and crop management elements, by testing their effect on wheat yield, on experimental plots and on-farm.
Phase 1.
The following objectives, corresponding to the two planned activities were approached during the first phase of the project:
- Defining climate change scenarios for the main wheat growing areas (Activity 1);
- Planting in the field and under controlled climate wheat genotypes collections and crop management yield trials, of potential interest for reducing the impact of climate changes (Activity 2).
These objectives create the premises for further research needed to reach the general objective of the contract.
To define scenarios of climate changes, activity 1 included in the first phase the following:
- a review of research on climate changes in the world and in Romania;
- a characterization of agro-climatic conditions in South Romania, specifically for winter wheat;
- defining scenarios of climate change;
- description of CERES-WHEAT simulation model;
- a selection of agro-meteorological stations of interest, representative for wheat growing region of South Romania;
- drawing maps showing agro-meteorological parameters that are important for an evaluation of temperature and water resources for winter wheat crop, and graphs showing the trends of the main weather factors during 1961-2005
Results show that the natural weather potential of South Romania cover in general the requirements of winter wheat, but large differences in favorability exist among years. The most fluctuating weather factor is rainfall, and the increased frequency of dry periods causes reduction of yield levels, correlated with the intensity and duration of temperature and water stresses.
“CERES-WHEAT” simulation model and the selection of agro-meteorological stations, representative for wheat growing region of South Romania, represent the working tools for further research on identification of best ways to reduce the impact of climate changes on wheat yields.
Activity 2 included the preparation and planting of the following experiments:
- a collection of genotypes carrying the gene or for better osmotic adjustment;
- a collection of genotypes with the best records in very dry years;
- wheat entries carrying the height reducing gene Rht8, which is not associated with reduced plant emergence in dry soil;
- a collection of genotypes potentially resistant to Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus (BYDV). This collection was planted very early to favor the virus infection;
- genetic sources to the main wheat diseases that might be favored by climate changes;
- genetic sources of earliness;
- yield trial with planting dates;
- yield trial with various preceding crops;
- yield trials with various tillage methods.
Phase 2.
II.1. Preparing the necessary data base and simulation of wheat crop response to several climate change scenarios. Results of simulation.
II.2. Study of genotypes collections and of experiments on crop management measures. Observations and field or controlled climate tests regarding the collections of genotypes and effects of crop management, to obtain data on genetic and technological variability of traits, which might reduce the impact of climate change. Obtaining new genetic materials.
These objectives create the premises for further research needed to reach the general objective of the contract.
In the frame of activity 1, research included:
- Preparing weather, crop management and soil input data, necessary for running the CERES-Wheat model;
- Running the model for 30 years using data from agro-meteorological stations included in the study:
- Present climate monthly average weather data (minimum and maximum temperatures, rainfal and solar radiation) during 1961-1990;
- Usual crop management data (planting date, crop density, fertilization);
- Actual soil data, specific to each soil type.
● Running the model for 30 years with forecasted weather data considering climate change, using regional, global and arbitrary climate change scenarios (RegCM/IPCC/2080-2099/ SRES A1B, RegCM/ICTP/2070-2100/ SRES A2, HadCM3/decade 2020 and 2050/SRES A2);
● Running the model for 30 years with forecasted weather data considering climate change, using:
- various values of genetic coefficients for vernalization and photoperiod response (P1V şi P1D) and different wheat genotypes, in order to estimate the effect of genetic characteristics on grain yield, vegetation period duration, evapo-transpiration, cumulated rainfall during the vegetation period and water use efficiency;
- several planting dates, in order to estimate their effect on grain yield, vegetation period duration, evapo-transpiration, cumulated rainfall during the vegetation period and water use efficiency.
● Evaluation and quantification of climate change impact on grain yield, vegetation period duration, evapo-transpiration, cumulated rainfall during the vegetation period and water use efficiency in wheat, by comparing results simulated with present weather data with those simulated using forecasted data.
In the frame of activity 2, collection of wheat genotypes and yield trials with crop management measures, of potential interest in reducing the impact of climatic changes were studied. These included:
- Collection of genotypes carrying the allele or for higher osmotic adjustment;
- Colletion of genotypes with better performance in dry years;
- Breeding material carrying the gene Rht8, which is not associated with lower emergence under unfavourable autumn conditions;
- Collection of genotypes with potentially better resistance or tolerance to BYDV (barley yellow dwarf virus), planted very early to favor virus infection;
- Breeding material with diverse resistance to main diseases;
- Breeding material with extreme earliness;
- Yield trials with planting dates, preceding crops and various methods of working the soil.
The main results of these studies are:
Results of activity 1 research
- The magnitude of effects of different projections of the climatic scenarios used during this phase are determined by the interaction between the existing local conditions, the changes forecasted by the climatic scenarios, the effect of increased CO2 concentration and the genetic characteristics of cultivars. Wheat can benefit from the increase of CO2 concentration on photosynthesis and water use and due to that wheat yield could increase (on average in the region of Muntenia from 1 to 51%). The negative effect of shorter vegetation period (about 2-11 days shorter), as a result of increased temperatures, might be compensated by the positive effect of increased CO2 concentration. If CO2 concentration is maintained at the present level, a reduction of average wheat yield by 1-10% is to be expected;
- Daily evapo-transpiration will increase at all analyzed locations and scenarios, due to the air temperature increase, forecasted by future climate predictions; Total amount of water lost through evapo-transpiration during wheat vegetation period will be 1-25% lower, as the result of the reduction of number of days to maturity and the physiological effect of increased CO2 concentration;
- In future climate conditions, wheat will use more efficiently the available water from the soil, water use efficiency increasing by 2-84% as compared with present conditions, due mainly to increased CO2 assimilation rate;
- Using the DSSAT v. 3.0 model we estimated the effect of modifying vernalization requirements and day length response, and identified the genetic parameters having best chances of giving high and stable yields. Simulation results using forecasted weather data for future climate show that reducing vernalization requirements and day length response will increase yield as a result of shortening vegetation period. Optimum combination of vernalization and day length parameters, providing the best use of climatic resources allowing higher yields and smaller year to year variation is given by medium or low vernalization requirements and reduced day length response (P1V=3.0/P1D=2.0 and P1V=4.0/P1D=1.0 respectively);
- Best wheat cultivars, able to yield more and use more efficiently the available water in the conditions of climate change, will be those with low vernalization and day length response and long grain filling period. However, as low vernalization and day length requirements also reduce winter-hardiness, risks of winter damage have to be taken into account.
Results of activity 2 research
- Several genotypes with better performance under water stress, due to higher osmotic adjustment (cultivar Izvor and progenies selected from crosses with it) or other mechanisms (line F00030G etc.), were studied and characterized.
- Drought response notes, based on a visual estimation of soil cover by plants, height, and general look of leaves and of spikes in plots exposed to water stress, were correlated positively with duration of vegetation period and percentage of partially sterile spikes and negatively with plant height and yield.
- Genotypes with longer coleoptile and reduced height were studied and characterized.
- Genotypes with better resistance to BYDV (“barley yellow dwarf virus”), leaf rust, FHB and Septoria were studied and characterized.
- Earlier genotypes, which can avoid the impact of drought and higher temperatures were identified and characterized.
- The best genotypes, identified during this phase, for various traits with probable effect on reducing the impact of climate changes, were used in crosses to obtain a new genetically superior material.
- In experiments with planting dates, in contrast with simulation predictions, earlier sowing was associated with yield reduction, probably because of diseases, mainly viruses. This hypothesis will have to be tested by using genotypes with genetic resistance to viruses, or by using chemical treatments against virus vector insects.
- Water reserve in the soil was larger in wheat after peas than in monoculture, and this was one of the main factors contributing to higher yield.
- Replacing plowing with disking did not contribute to higher yield, as the former contributed to higher water reserve in the soil.