Romanian version


Administrative structure of the institution

NARDI Fundulea is an independently functioning institution (legal entity) subordinated to the Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences – main coordinator of Romanian agricultural research and coordinated by the Ministry of Research and Innovation (MCI) 
The institute experimental network presently consists of, 14 research units (agricultural stations), located under different pedoclimatic conditions of Romania. Some research is also contracted with stations belonging to other Institutes.
According to law, the Institute Leadership consists of: 
- Administration Board;  
- Direction Committee;  
- General Director. 
- The  Scientific  Board  directs  and  coordinates  the  scientific  and  technical  activity  of  the institute.  
The  Administration  Board  consists  of  nine  members  (two  representatives  from  NARDI,  7 representatives from the ministries: Ministry of Research, Inovation and Digitalization, Ministry of Public  Finance,  Ministry  of  Agriculture  and  Rural  Development,  Ministry  of  Labour,  Family  and Social Protection and operates in accordance with the provisions of the Government Decision no. 1882/2005 and with its own Rules of organization and functioning, approved by the Ministry of Research, Inovation and Digitalization.
The main tasks of the Administration Board: approves the strategy and the specific programs for  the  institute  development;  proposes  the  modification  of  the  organizational  and  functioning structure of the institute; analyses and approves the draft budget of income and expenses; analyses and  approves  the  annual  financial  statements;  approves  the  management  report  regarding  the institute  activity  in  previous  year;  assesses  achievement  relative  to  performance  criteria,  analyses 
and  approves  the  investments  that  will  be  made  by  the  institute,  according  to  law,  submits  for approval the property increase or decrease, as well as the granting or renting out of some assets that belong  to  the  institute;  in  compliance  with  provisions  approves  the  capitalization  of  own  acquired goods,  approves  the  volume  of  bank  loans  and  establishes  their  reimbursement;  approves  the utilization  of  the  disposable  funds  in  foreign  currency;  approves  the  mandate  for  negotiating  the collective  labour  agreement,  approves  the  criteria  and  competition  commissions  to  occupy  job vacancies in the Institute. 
Direction Committee  consists of 9 members (the general director and the heads of the main compartments).  It  ensures  the  effective  leading  of  the  Institute,  exercising  its  duties  and  being responsible in the limits of competence proposed and approved by the Administration Board. 
The  Direction  Committee  establishes  the  concrete  activities  necessary  for  carrying  out  the objectives  resulted  from:  the  strategy  of  development  programs  of  the  institute;  annual  research- development  programs;  budgets  of  income  and  expenses;  investment  programs,  as  well  as  other legally settled tasks. 
The  current  activity  is  managed  by  the  general  director,  whose  tasks  and  responsibilities  are mainly the following: he personally represents or by a delegate the interests of the institute towards institutions,  organizations  and  economic  agents,  as  well  as  persons  in  the  country  or  abroad; 
establishes  the  tasks,  competence  and  the  relationships  at  the  level  of  subunits  and  departments  of the institute, as well as their relationship with third persons approved by the Administration Board; 
suggests to the Administration Board the modification of the functional and organizing structure of the  institute;  appoints  the  heads  of  the  compartments  in  the  organizing  structure  of  the  national institute  after  a  competition  organized  on  the  basis  of  the  criteria  proposed  by  the  Administration Board and revokes them, if necessary with the approval of the Administration Board; employs and dismisses  the  staff  of  the  institute  according  to  the  legal  provisions  and  of  the  collective  labour agreement; ensures the negotiation of the collective labour agreement at the level of the institute or the  staff  salaries  by  the  Direction  Committee  and  approves  the  salaries  resulted  from  direct negotiation; he is responsible for the management of the whole patrimony respecting the provisions of  the  law;  adopts  measures  and  pursues  the  carrying  out  of  the  inland  and  export-import  trade operations through the specialized compartments; analyses monthly the stage of the research results capitalization, including the activity of the marketing office; his tasks are similar to a credit release authority for the money allocated to the institute from the state budget; he can delegate, considering the  law,  some  of  his  tasks  to  other  persons  from  the  leadership  of  the  institute;  he  carries  out  any other tasks allotted by the Administration Board. 
The  Scientific  Board  consists  of  eleven  members,  representatives  of  the  Institute  main departments.  
The main tasks of the Scientific Board are: participates in the elaboration of the development strategy for the research-development activity and its plans of research and development; analyses, approves   and   pursues   the   elaboration   of   scientific   papers,   submits   for   approval   to   the Administration  Board  the  annual  research  and  development  program  of  the  institute,  approves  the decisions of the Administration Board regarding the research policy of the national institute and its branches;  proposes  measures  for  professional  training  and  certification  of  research  personnel  by professional  degrees;  organizes  and  coordinates  scientific  manifestations,  endorses  the  scientific cooperation actions at internal and international level.

The Research Department. A number of 7 research laboratories, is organized according to specific sub  domains.   The Centre for organic  farming  functions  as  a  distinct  entity  subordinated  to  the  leadership  of  the  institute  and collaborates with all other components of the research sector. 
The high education personnel, directly involved in research activities includes: 21 doctors, 4 PhD students and 5 masters. Three of the Institute employees are members of the Academy of Agricultural  and  Forestry  Sciences  “Gheorghe  Ionescu-Sisesti”,  one  of  them  being  also  a titular member of the Romanian Academy. 
The  support  activities  connected  to  research  are  included  in  the  department  of  Research services,  which  includes  Scientific  Secretariat  and  the  Office  for  Publications,  the  Meteorological Station, and the team for Mechanization of experimental fields.   
The Development Department
 - The  development  activities  are  organized  in  three  vegetal  farms  for  producing  seeds  from superior  biological  categories,  the  seeds  processing  sector  and  the  mechanics  sector.  Other supporting  activities  are  included  in  the  Marketing  and  acquisition  department,  the  Administrative office; Thermic Station and Canteen. 
The  activities  of  specific  interest  for  all  operating  structures  of  the  institute,  are organized  in:  Financial  and  accounting  service;  Internal  financial  audit  service;  Juridical  office; Human resources and wages office; Labour and environment protection sector.